
الأربعاء، 25 ديسمبر 2019

24 hours with female marine in nyc

24 hours with female marine in nyc

when I think of myself being a female in the Marines I don't bat an eye it doesn't seem different to me but I guess to other people it is different they had thought maybe my brother was gonna go in the military and I don't think they ever thought their daughter would go in the military what is your expectation going in to Fleet Week predominantly the military is composed of men have a good night and so there is that perception that they're here to like mingle and potentially you know meet somebody sex in a city had an episode all of us we got ladies seaman 12 o'clock my husband's a marine and I fell for that absolutely I think it's very attractive but for us we we're here with a different mission a different purpose I think that's the perception that's given out for Fleet Week but what about the females

last year I was invited aboard the USS Arlington for the 30th anniversary of Fleet Week in New York City Fleet Week is when thousands of active duty sailors Marines and Coast Guardsmen descend upon the city to rub elbows with civilians and maybe blow off some steam I've had a bit of a crazy morning I was on a helicopter at like 7:00 a.m. and now I've landed on the USS Arlington because I'm here to hang out with some female service members and get their perspective on Fleet Week I think when most people think of Fleet Week the image that comes to mind is the sailor in a white uniform walking down Times Square with women throwing themselves at him and while that's a totally valid experience and I don't know if that's necessarily the same case if you're a female service member so I just want to see if that is the case or maybe they're here for something totally different this is Lieutenant Stephanie Pavo a 37 year old logistics officer and one of the female Marines I'm hanging out with today wow this is so beautiful she's normally stationed in North Carolina but has spent the last few days living on this massive warship

I've never been to New York before so as we came up the river and you started to see different places that you've either seen in movies or TV you know it becomes real and I teared up a little bit you know you kind of start to feel like the sense of pride like what I do actually you know it's more important and the public recognizes what I do too it's not just you know it's not a job yeah it's a calling Lee week is basically a giant PR mission for the military they invite civilians onto their ships you really have to get used to like being in small tight spaces in which I'm not very good at show off their toys this whole thing that we're standing on like from here to where the fans aren't this is the machine including a hovercraft our craft and host events all over the city the goal is to bridge the military civilian divide which is at an all-time low and that's bad for recruitment and perhaps ultimately national security most civilians exposure to the military is through over-the-top Hollywood portrayals of front-line combat and increasing news reports of sexual assault and abuse so while Fleet Week is meant to be a celebration these service members are still stepping into the civilian world wearing a uniform with political weight especially if that service member happens to be a woman did you struggle or did you have anyone go I'm actually really against the military I'm really against war and I think that you're making a huge mistake I definitely had some of those moments you know

if I've lost friends over some of my life choices the media tends when they tell stories of the female experience in the military there seems to be a narrative that's sexual assault and abuse certainly there are issues I personally have not dealt with anything similar to that so it's not the norm in my world you know but I think that we look at the military as being perfect and much like any business there's gonna be there's gonna be things that we need to work on and that's one of those but I will say we have equal pay same opportunities for advancement promotion there's no closed doors in the Marine Corps anymore so we've come a long way and I think that we're gonna continue to go a long way you're just starting Fleet Week you're in New York you're gonna have the opportunity to talk to lots of people is there a message is there a goal that you have that you want to accomplish I would love to remove that image that women in the Marine Corps or in the armed services are only dealing with sexual assault I would love to put a positive showcase to all of the people here that we love our jobs were content and we are happy to serve our country women have been a part of the military for the last 100 years and in 2015 the DoD finally allowed them to serve across all combat roles still women make up less than 15% of the Armed Forces and those with the rank of officer are an even smaller fraction of that Stephanie hopes that more representation and diversity of stories might help change those numbers

and she's not the only one her roommate for the week is 23 year old Tori Carr a fellow officer who's also experienced in Fleet Week for the first time hi can I come in it's also her first time experiencing how cramped life on his ship is while we're on the ship six females fit in here and right now me and first lieutenant Pablo are living here for Fleet Week this would be expensive in New York yeah this is really great real estate you could yeah don't even touch the walls so this is the head bathroom as we call it in the civilian world what's ahead of your toilet and your shower you have to be careful once the ship's going you're bouncing back and forth I'm here personal boundaries don't really exist in our running your tight quarters these are our racks as we call them Oh bunk mates we are I'm on the top bunk here so you can store all of your stuff underneath here yeah totally but tonight is about getting off the cramped ship and onto the cramped streets of New York City a chance to let their hair down kind of can you do like a fun things with hair and makeup when you're out on Liberty I was told as what free time is right yes we are required to wear certain hairstyles so for the women we can't get super fancy you can do some braids you can kind of dress it up I like to call it my female rebellions because you know in uniform you we all look a certain way but you know you have your subtle female rebellions like the makeup the nails we are a Marine and you you don't think I don't think about gender at work I don't think that I'm a girl in there a boy and like whatnot but now we're going out on the town and I should be able to celebrate and dress up the guys do tend to get a lot of attention I mean literally civilian women it's like kind of a holiday I mean think sex in the city made a popular from my experience a lot of people don't even know that women serve in the Marine Corps our uniforms look a little different than what the male's wear and so there's an eye is drawn to the wearing it my husband's a marine and I fell for that absolutely I think it's very attractive but for us we we're here with a different mission a different purpose even for some shopping i zero typical for is my leg we're we're our basis station there's not the best shopping when we go out you're gonna wear this

yes it'll be our dress blue Delta's with our you know beautiful shiny officer rank and that our awards and ribbons the blue trouser with the red blood stripe and then because it does get brisk and kind of cold we also have the trendy optional tankard jacket where they go online to buy these things [Music] alright this cute is a great jacket but you kind of list we're looking for a few good women oh yeah there's someone I'm gonna do it just for the jacket I think cami paints easier than makeup the secret is on the creases of your face and the shadows you do the dark colors and then you do the lighter colors where your face is accentuates more and is it there's a method to it a for military lave what was your like aesthetic very different I actually won prom princess my junior year and I won prom queen my senior year well do ya the Queen Victoria over here did you have no is her in your family at all yes my father's in the well was in the military he's retired from the army I think they had thought maybe my brother was gonna go in the military and I don't think they ever thought their daughter would go in the military and even my father when I called him and to tell him he wasn't about it I guess why do you think that was probably because I don't know I don't know you stumped me on this vision I fear it's a guest well I think he was in the military at a different time and women definitely were not prominent and I think the idea of women in the military to him is very different of my idea of women in the military when I think of myself being a female in the Marines I don't that night it doesn't seem different to me but I guess to other people it is different knowing that there are fewer females in it and fewer females that are Marines that made me want to be a Marine even more so people have to salute your rate when they walk down the hallway

right finally it was time to hit the streets but they needed to sign out first so this is the Liberty log and if you're going to go out on Liberty you have to sign out with their time and who you're going out with your battle buddies you probably okay so your battle buddies tonight our battle buddies tonight and so when we come back on the ship you have to be present wits that have a good night like the saying goes leave no man or woman behind unless you're a civilian then your ass is getting left on shore I think if most people's understanding is like oh sweet week these guys they go out they hook up they bring women back to the ship like that's not true that's not true absolutely not oh I'm so shocked a Sex and the City lied to me I can't believe it I'll admit it was a little surreal walking around the city with a group of people in uniform lots of gawking and random shoutouts you too I also forgot it was these women's first time in New York she's never taken the subway before oh my god luckily I'm a very good visuals visuals another so how do you know like which train doesn't oh I'm just making it up I have no idea okay after a somewhat successful mission of navigating Midtown the women were able to do what they've wanted to do this whole time talk to the public well once the public finish taking photos with the dudes in uniform of course we come from all over yeah like I'm from Michigan you've got we're not gonna bring a load so I saw that you were talking to Stephanie a little bit what what was your takeaway really she's been Michigan and my dad has family in Michigan

you're kind of are doing a really good job just rolling with the punches of like slightly strange things being thrown out of you that guys used to being gawked at I don't really care about this magic show anymore you know we should do we should get in a cabin we should go to the bar now I talked to people for a living and could only handle Times Square for 20 minutes but these women were loving it one two and the public was receptive perhaps slightly drunk but receptive [Music] all right are you just drinking water I really thought sleep is supposed to be like it's totally chilled or aged and be crazy a little bit but that's just not the nature of it well I think you know we volunteered for this right like we signed up we wanted to leave Marines piece of that is acting a certain way and in being it's like any job you know two o'clock in the morning like someone back on the ship like what kind of message is that sending you're not seeing us engaged in conflict you forget that we're still training we're always at the ready so it's important to please for us to go out and remind the public that we're the elite fighting force in the reserves ready to go at a moment's notice it's a little past 1:00 a.m. and the Marines are still partying inside and I'm quickly fading but yeah this is Fleet Week it might not be as sexy I guess is like what some people might think Fleet Week is all about but at least the women that I was hanging out with it's very genuine to who they are they'd love this country are incredibly proud about being marine and all they want to do is share that with the public if you put the politics of war and military aside I think as women let alone officers in the Marines they're ultimately held to a higher standard until it becomes the norm fly away so when that day comes maybe then I can buy them a drink maybe you 

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