
الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2019

A man visit 15 k Starbucks in 22 years, do you believe it

the oldest Starbucks in North America that I have not yet been to it's been around for three years since 2016 and I drove 20 hours to get here good exercise the star bucking fitness plan for you I try to travel kind of light that's one of the things about camping out in the car you don't want to have a lot of things that you have to move around in the middle of the night pretty much travel with all the clothes most of the clothes that I have the rest are in bags lots of blankets thermal underwear of course one essential item is this box of memorabilia that I've gathered all my life for the last 40 years I have all the birthday cards and letters that people have sent me I used to keep all this at my parents house

but they had to move out so now it comes with me I've been driving since Rochester New York all the way to Canada with the goal of finally seeing at the Starbucks in Sydney Nova Scotia I have been star bucking for over 22 years now I came up with the idea in the summer of 1997 when I was 25 and I'm 47 now I have managed to visit 55 different countries for star bucking I just hit the 15,000 number I'm looking forward to that 20,000 number though it could easily take five years to get there star bucking is most definitely not about the coffee and it's not even specifically about Starbucks but I do have a keen interest in Starbucks store design a couple of years into my project I ordered my first digital camera put a website up and the website just sort of sat there for a couple of years until one of my friends from the local Starbucks pitched my story to a friend of his who worked in local news that led to Dallas Magazine which led to another media piece that went viral and then all of a sudden star booking was on the map

gassing up the car for me can be a challenge I can only put an amount of gas into my tank equivalent to the number of the gas pump so if it's pump number 10 I can put in $10 ah this is one of those disappointing gas stations that only has six pumps and so I'm going to take the highest number one number six I had a dream which an old man told me that if I did this I'd be reinforcing the walls of our reality to keep them from imploding and so the universe gets to live for one more day when I moved to Dallas to take my first jobs in 1995 there was a Barnes & Noble there with a cafe and it was turned into a Starbucks I used to hang out there and little by little I started to meet people who were also hanging out there and we developed this circle of friends that grew to half a dozen to a dozen in number we would go to movies together we want to see the Phantom Menace in 1999 and I got a seats for a group of 19 of us at the local cinema after I graduated college I probably never would have had any type of circle of friends or community like that had it not been for Starbucks [Music] have you seen any moose no I'd like I desperately want to see a moose and just have not did they have unusual food offerings in the pastry case I like things that think the one is Shanghai is supposed to be a lot like I think Tokyo and Shanghai are on my list hopefully next year there's a pretty good independent coffee scene do you do are you into coffee have you been to quills yes Thunder goes I like low acid coffee if liebe deutschland yeah reopening they're still opening new ones yeah but it takes me to some interesting places that I would ordinarily have not gone the only reason that I'm here and on the cabot trail was because there's a Starbucks in Sydney one two and three looks like we are about 15 or so kilometers from Sydney a little bit further to the Starbucks so we are almost there it has been a long haul but I would say that the payoff not just the Starbucks but taking a little detour up to the Cabot Trail has been worth it because the views were absolutely magnificent if I had an infinite amount of time I could just hang out here forever my mother has dementia it probably developed an elastic so five years when she was into her early 70s sadly because of her dementia but positively I I'm spending more time with her every three to four months than I used to so I'm not doing as much star bucking as I would like to one of the things that motivates me to take as many pictures as possible write as many blog entries as possible and just keep everything organized so that if my memory starts to go I'll have the records of all my adventures too to hold on to as I get older one of the most heartening things that I've learned is how kind people can be two perfect strangers around the world like the barista in Framingham Massachusetts who could see how bloodshot red my eyes were because I was so tired and just offered me a couch to sleep on so yeah I mean I've learned that that people are the same people are different and people can be amazingly kind but I would say more than anything I've learned about myself and what I'm capable of in pursuit of a goal I will be visiting my 10,000 Starbucks

another strip mall store of thousands in Southern California Northern California 15 years 11,000 stores here we go we are 1.6 kilometers what do I want what the chaos that embroiled our world to end but I feel completely powerless to do anything about it so I guess star bucking is something that more or less I can control there we go there is the Starbucks yes it is true a lot of people do believe that real life is having a job getting married buying a house having kids I see that as fairly arbitrary there's nothing intrinsic even in humanity that says that that is what real life has to be for you and if people take anything away from star bucking I would say that when somebody says star bucking is pointless I turn around and say point to something anything that other people are doing that is not pointless honestly I do not see an end to my star bucking project as long as I'm alive I I can't imagine the end I can't imagine what the last was it would be or this is a lifetime project for me I expect to be doing it into my 60s 70s maybe even 80s and 90s if I'm still lucid and able to travel I'm glad that I did as much living as I did while I was young

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